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How to Decorate With Mirrors Across Your Home

By admin / Date Apr 02,2022

Whether you're looking for alternatives to traditional framed art, wish to double the natural light in a particular room, or want to create the illusion of a larger space, an ODM mirror is the way to go.

When you don't necessarily want to add more color, patterns, or imagery but feel like a room is still missing something, an ODM mirror is the ideal solution. Not only will it add dimension and create the illusion of more space, but a mirror can also amplify light, brightening up even the gloomiest areas. But what size and shape should you use? Where should you place a mirror, and how do you decide on a frame style?

Mirror Decor Ideas for the Bedroom

Before purchasing the first full-length rectangular mirror you see and hanging it on the back of your bedroom door, take a look at these thoughtful ideas for your sleeping quarters.

If you've got the available wall space, why not opt for an oversized mirror in your bedroom? You can place a large round one over your dresser or a sizable square above your headboard for a stately effect. Of course, you can't go wrong with a traditional full-length mirror in the bedroom. It's practical, versatile, and can be leaned or hung nearly anywhere.

Mirror Decor Ideas for Shared Living Areas

The right mirror can be surprisingly effective in enhancing the look of living rooms, dining rooms, family rooms, entryways, and other shared living spaces. Take a peek at these tasteful mirror decor ideas for inspiration.

Living room mirrors can make a striking statement. Choose a unique shape, like a Norman window, a circle, an oval, or even an irregular shape without symmetry or distinct sides.

Mirror Decor Ideas for the Bathroom

You know you need a mirror for your bathroom, but that doesn't mean you have to settle for a frameless square, a simple rectangle, or an uninspiring builder-grade design. So, what style should you choose for your bathroom?

If you want a modern bathroom mirror, consider choosing a round model. Swapping a square or rectangle for a circle is one of the easiest ways to make your space feel more contemporary.

When it comes to decorating, there are virtually endless routes you can take with ODM mirrors from indoor decorations manufacturers. Offering beauty, elegance, and functionality, these reflective pieces can be used to enhance every room of your home. Oversized mirrors can act as a statement piece, carrying the overall design of a space. They can also be used to add a finishing touch to an existing interior design scheme.