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How To Choose The Material And Color Of Feng Shui Ornaments?

By admin / Date Aug 19,2022

How to choose the material and color of Feng Shui ornaments? First of all, we need to understand the attributes of the five elements corresponding to the material and color. Then, according to each person’s birth date, it is appropriate to choose a metal feng shui ornament that uses God as gold; ornaments; and so on.

How to choose the material and color of Feng Shui ornaments?

1. Materials corresponding to wood properties: wood, leather, silk, cotton,  and linen.

2. Colors corresponding to wood attributes: green, cyan. Therefore, green crystal, green tourmaline, green amber, turquoise, green peridot, green emerald, etc., all have wood properties.

3. Metallic materials: gold, silver, copper, iron and other metals, ivory, and bones.

4. Metallic colors: white, silver, gold. Therefore, white crystal, white agate, white tourmaline, white jade, and Hetian white jade are all metallic.

5. Materials corresponding to the water attribute: pearls, clam, crystals with high transparency.

6. Colors corresponding to water attributes: blue, black, gray. Therefore, obsidian, sea sapphire, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, black onyx, black crystal, black tourmaline, black jade, etc. all have water properties.

7. Materials corresponding to fire attributes: glaze, glass, resin, and artificial materials from thermal processing.

8. Colors corresponding to fire attributes: red, purple. Therefore, southern onyx, red coral, red garnet, rhodolite, red heart bodhi, cinnabar, blood pool, chicken blood stone, amethyst, red crystal, red tourmaline, red bamboo stone, red jadeite, etc., all have fire properties.

9. Materials corresponding to soil properties: ceramics, jade, minerals.

10. Colors corresponding to soil attributes: yellow, earth, and brown. Therefore, citrine, topaz, topaz, yellow tiger's eye, yellow tourmaline, yellow agate, etc. all have soil properties.

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